Consultancy for preparing of a World Seed Project proposal


WSP Committee Members


The World Seed Project engaged Rutger Persson, CEO Svalöf Consulting, and Per Anderson, as a team, in providing conceptual and writing skills needed to prepare a project proposal with two sub-proposals, one for Ghana and another for the United Republic of Tanzania, based on the Concept Document “Strengthening the Seed Sector in Developing Countries” with which to secure donor funding for the WSP´s work in these countries. In preparing the technical components of the project, the consultants have worked closely during two months, March-April 2013, with the WSP Steering Committee members (i.e. FAO, OECD, UPOV, ISF and ISTA). The consultants have studied all relevant documents and information materials provided by the WSP Steering Committee and other sources, including the Second World Seed Conference proceedings and the UPOV Report on the Impact of Plant Variety Protection (Impact Study). The draft WSP document has been reviewed and the final amendments approved by the WSP Steering Committee on 8th May 2013.