Value Chain Development and Training/ Advisory Service Provider to TACP in Tajikistan

NIRAS Indevelop has been contracted to provide Technical Assistance to the Tajik Agriculture Commercialization Project (TACP) which is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture through the PMU and funded by the World Bank. The objective of the TA is to contribute to Value Chain/ Productive Partnership Development through and advise of relevant stakeholder in selected value chains. The specific tasks for the TA support are to 1. Provide Support to identification and development of Value Chain Development Activities; 2. Capacity Building through Training and Advisory Services; and 3. Support to the development of the commercial grant program. Svalöf Consulting has been subcontracted, making Rutger Persson available in carrying out the services as Team Leader and Expert on Value Chain Development.  The service will be delivered between October 2016 and December 2020.