Monthly Archives: May 2014

WB assignment as Seed Specialist– Analyzed the Fodder Seed Value Chain in Kazakhstan

The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of the Republic of Kazakhstan requested the World Bank to provide technical assistance for sustainable development of fodder production and improvement of animal nutrition, to stimulate development of the livestock sector, especially for meat production.

Svalöf Consulting was contracted by the World Bank in Kazakhstan, during the period 27th January-30th April 2014, to analyze seed value chain of the fodder crops and describe sector related issues and possible scenarios for development. More specifically:

  • familiarized with the currently employed system of seed production and distribution in fodder crops.
  • described the current performance of the seeds sector in supplying quality seed to farmers. Assessed the likely impact of improving seeds provision on yield and farm profitability.
  • reviewed institutional aspects of the seed supply system including the policies and legal frameworks for seeds and varieties, seed and variety testing, seed certification, seed multiplication to produce elite; seed multiplication to produce lower generation seed; seed testing and inspection; distribution and marketing; plant variety protection and the royalty system, capital investment for plant breeding and commercial seed production and farmer-based seed activities.
  • commented on arrangements for the government’s seed subsidies scheme and made remarks on the extent to which these are contributing to improved seeds supply. Examined to what extent the scheme is undermining competition in the seeds trade.
  • Suggested options for the state support to the sector, including:
  • Summarized the key policy reforms, institutional reforms and public investments to improve seed production and supply in Kazakhstan.
  • Prioritized the proposed reforms and public investments and categorize them into short term (<2 years), medium term (2-5 years), and long term measures (5-10 years).


  • A policy paper describing issues faced by the fodder crops seed sector and recommendations for the sector support by April 15, 2014.
  • Presentation of the recommendations for the fodder production conference in the MOA tentatively planned for May 2014.