Monthly Archives: February 2014

EEC Seminar on Policies for a Single Market in Moscow, 23 January 2014

The purpose of this seminar was to review the European Union experience in creating a single market in agriculture and discuss the application of this experience for the creation of a single market within the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The seminar took place within the institution of the Customs Union for regulation of the single market, the Eurasian Economic Commission.  The review of the European experience was helpful to the EEC in creating their own unified market for agricultural commodities.

The seminar included three 20 minute presentations by FAO on various aspects of the building of a single market for agriculture within the European Union. Policy briefs (5-10 pp.) was circulated to the EEC before the seminar.

Rutger Persson, CEO of Svalöf Consulting, was contracted by FAO in writing and presenting a policy brief on “Building an integrated seed market within the Customs Union” . It was well received at the EEC Seminar in Moscow and generated many questions and long discussions how all EEC member countries will harmonize their legal seed framework within the customs union in order to create a more competitive and commercially sustainable seed industry.